We work hard to balance the cost to families with the cost to run our programs and strive to keep our enrollment fees as low as possible. But we know programs like Camp Curiosity are an "extra," and not every family can afford them. Your family may qualify for a scholarship if it receives Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, free or reduced-price school lunches, or has a similarly verifiable financial need. We want every child to have the opportunity to learn what they love at Camp Curiosity. Please email info@campcuriosity.education to learn more.
Campers should bring their own lunch, including drinks. Refrigeration and microwaves are not available at camp. Campers may bring a water bottle and will have the opportunity to refill it throughout the day. Please mark each item you send with your child’s name. Camp Curiosity is not responsible for lost items.
If your child needs medication or carries an Epi-pen, please email info@campcuriosity.education for assistance.
Camp Curiosity does not provide transportation to and from its events and camps.
For non-emergency messages, please text 317-294-3473 with your child’s name and message, and the message will be passed along. In the case of an emergency, please call 317-294-3473.
The safety of the children entrusted to our care is paramount. Safety precautions are similar to those at your child's school. Children are released only to those authorized to pick them up. All Camp Curiosity staff pass an Indiana State Police—Limited Criminal History Search before working with children. Both camp directors are certified in AED, CPR, and first aid and have undergone blood-borne pathogens training.
Campers should dress as they would for a typical school day. You will receive an email outlining anything additional your child may need. Cell phones are allowed, but Camp Curiosity is not responsible for lost items.
For events and camps during the school year, please select the grade your child is currently enrolled in. For summer camps, select the grade your child will attend the next school year.